This is “Leading-Within”

A newsletter about supporting leaders of the global majority with pieces focused on reading recommendations, and my personal loves of writing and reading.

Expect postings on the first and third Monday of every month.

What To Expect Here.

Each newsletter will have a combination of these things:

  • An update on myself and my work

  • Profile/interview with a leader of the global majority

  • Resource recommendations and/or news stories of interest

  • Book review or update on what I’m currently reading


This newsletter is for and by leaders of the global majority. If you’re white and want to follow, I’m not stopping you…

Why Follow Along?

If you work in a school system you’re very busy. I’m hoping to give you a shortcut to scouring the internet for what’s the newest thing out there and what’s the most useful, inspirational, and supportive for you a leader of the global majority.

Subscribe to Leading-Within

A newsletter focused on supporting leaders of the global majority through a combination of leader profiles, book recommendations, and resources.


I love to read, write, run, learn real history, laugh, parent and fight for equitable public school systems.